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Comments (22)

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

Do you need to ask more question regarding this issue ? Please help me solving this it would be great if any help comes..

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

Since all the duplicate files have the path app/build/test-results/, it seems there were 2 or more jobs that persisted to app/build/test-results/ and later it tried to attach them and raised the error.


  1. Is the config.yml shown here complete?
  2. Can you check earlier jobs to see which jobs persisted to c442a392-036b-43f5-a326-102af4f553b1 and d2540856-c8b8-45a7-8403-b57d0be7e982? You can check Spin up environment sub-task in CircleCI, and look for something like CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_JOB_ID=c442a392-036b-43f5-a326-102af4f553b1 to check the workspace ID.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

Thanks for your reply means alot.

  1. yes the config.yml is complete/
  2. yes both these jobs(build_debug and test_unit ) persist app/build/test-results/ this is same from your reference.
    Pardon me if i am wrong actually I am new into this..
  3. Also one more doubt sometimes my test cases run perfectly on firebase sometimes they get stuck are these test cases flaky or it happens with me only :/

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

The line ./gradlew lint test in job build_debug caused the problem. build_debug is intented to assemble the binaries for use in later stage (without any test result files), and test_unit will generate test results under test-results path. So the generated files from these 2 jobs are mutually exclusive. But if you execute lint test in build_debug, it will generates the same unit test result files as in test_unit.

You may consider any of these suggestions (but not all):

  1. Persist the generated files in build_debug to somewhere else
  2. Do not perform any test in build_debug
  3. Move any test to test_unit (or to a new job)

Hope it helps.

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

If you got stuck in an instrumented test, quite often it was caused by some animation or any moving screen elements. Espresso waits for all animations to complete and execute your test only when it detects the main thread is idle.

You can troubleshoot the tests by examining the recorded video in Firebase to see what happened when the test failed.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

Okay Thanks a lot i will try the 2nd solution and hope it works .

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

Also after analyzing the videos I have realized that its the problem of animation as using Thread.sleep() with small amt. of time causes the problem.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

The solution works like a charm,But what are the steps to generate the code coverage report the report has been generated in the instrumented test case by the name of but where to view the code coverage does this below mentioned commented code code has any use ?
# - run: name: Upload coverage report to Codacy command: ./gradlew -PciBuild=true uploadCoverageToCodacy - run: name: Upload coverage report to CodeCov command: bash <(curl -s
Thanks for the solution and thanks in advance..

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

To generate a combined coverage report for unit tests and instrumented tests, you need to tell JaCoCo where the generated coverage binary files are in your build.gradle. See below for reference:

The JaCoCo XML report is specified here:

The HTML one should be in somewhere inside the build directories, but I forgot where.

Also, check this article for a detailed explanation:

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

This above is the coverage report from jacoco which means my coverage report is not generated

jacoco {
    toolVersion ''

task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport) {
    sourceDirectories = files()
    classDirectories = files()
    executionData     = fileTree(
            dir     : "$buildDir",
            include : [ 'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*' ]
    reports {
        xml.enabled true
        html.destination file("${buildDir}/jacocoHtml")
        csv.enabled false
    onlyIf = {

This is my jacocoTestReport task please help ..?

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

You are specifically telling JaCoCo to include instrumented test report only by having this line:
include : [ 'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*' ].

You can try:

  1. Enable HTML report (refer to
  2. Clean the project.
  3. Run unit tests (testDebugUnitTest).
  4. Check where your unit test binary report is generated (e.g. build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec).
  5. Change the line to: include : [ jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec, 'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*' ]. You may need to edit the paths according to the actual paths in your project (refer to

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

how can we check where the file coverage.exec has been generated its not visible in the circleci artificats

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

You can run tests on your local machine, e.g. run the command ./gradlew testDebugUnitTest on your PC or Mac. The result will be the same.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

yes the file is getting generated but can you help while converting this exec file into .html jacoco report the report comes out to be empty

Please refer to this link

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

I have one doubt maybe it sounds silly
To generate code coverage why cant we run emulator in circleci and run the command ./gradlew createDebugCoverageReport instead of jacoco as in my case jacoco is not doing anything
Please help me in generating code coverage using jacoco this is my gradle :-

jacoco {
    toolVersion ''
def coverageSourceDirs = [

task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport) {
//    def debugTree = fileTree(dir: app/buid/intermediates/classes/debug, excludes: fileFilter)
//    def mainSrc = app/src/main/java
    classDirectories = fileTree(
        dir: 'build/intermediates/classes/debug',
        excludes: ['**/R.class',
    sourceDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
//    classDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
    executionData     = fileTree(
            dir     : "$buildDir",
            include : [ 'jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec',  'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*' ]
    reports {
        xml.enabled false
        html.enabled = true
        csv.enabled false
    onlyIf = {

And the config.yml is attached above also both the files .exec and .ec have been generated still no code covearge can be seen using jacoco pls help it is only showing this blank html page

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

Did you turn on test coverage report in build.gradle? Something like this:

buildTypes {
    debug {
        testCoverageEnabled true

You should really try to run Gradle commands to generate JaCoCo reports locally first, not on CIrcleCI, to see if everything runs fine and you can get your report locally.

Btw, I don't have access to your CicleCI project so I can't open your link.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

The report is coming fine locally but not on circleci jacocoreport task has been attached.

jacoco {
    toolVersion ''
def coverageSourceDirs = [

task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport) {
//    def debugTree = fileTree(dir: app/buid/intermediates/classes/debug, excludes: fileFilter)
//    def mainSrc = app/src/main/java
    classDirectories = fileTree(
        dir: 'build/intermediates/classes/debug',
        excludes: ['**/R.class',
    sourceDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
//    classDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
    executionData     = fileTree(
            dir     : "$buildDir",
            include : [ 'jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec',  'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*' ]
    reports {
        xml.enabled false
        html.enabled = true
        csv.enabled false
    onlyIf = {

Please tell me if i am doing anything wrong

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

and in case of build debug

buildTypes {
        debug {

            testCoverageEnabled true

testcoverage is enabled

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

ok if you got the report locally, make sure you are copying the files from the correct artifact paths in CircleCI.

Did you update your config.yml since you mentioned that you will remove tests from build_debug job? Please show the updated one here.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024
# Reference :
version: 2


  cache_key: &cache_key
    key: cache-{{ checksum "gradle/wrapper/" }}-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum "app/build.gradle" }}
  restore_cache: &restore_cache
      <<: *cache_key
  save_cache: &save_cache
      <<: *cache_key
        - ~/.gradle
        - ~/.m2

  workspace: &workspace
  attach_debug_workspace: &attach_debug_workspace
      at: *workspace
  attach_release_workspace: &attach_release_workspace
      at: *workspace
  persist_debug_workspace: &persist_debug_workspace
      root: *workspace
        - app/build/outputs/androidTest-results
        - app/build/outputs/apk
        - app/build/outputs/code-coverage
        - app/build/test-results
  persist_release_workspace: &persist_release_workspace
      root: *workspace
        - app/build
  attach_firebase_workspace: &attach_firebase_workspace
      at: *workspace
  persist_firebase_workspace: &persist_firebase_workspace
      root: *workspace
        - firebase
## Docker image configurations

  android_config: &android_config
    working_directory: *workspace
      - image: circleci/android:api-27-alpha
      TERM: dumb
      _JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Xmx2048m -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap"
      GRADLE_OPTS: '-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx2048m"'

  gcloud_config: &gcloud_config
    working_directory: *workspace
      - image: google/cloud-sdk:latest
      TERM: dumb

  export_android_key: &export_android_key
      name: Export Android key store environment variable
      command: echo 'export ANDROID_KEY_STORE="$ANDROID_KEY_STORE"' >> $BASH_ENV
  decode_android_key: &decode_android_key
      name: Decode Android key store
      command: echo $ANDROID_KEY_STORE | base64 -di > key-store.jks

  export_gservices_key: &export_gservices_key
      name: Export Google Services key environment variable
      command: echo 'export GOOGLE_SERVICES_KEY="$GOOGLE_SERVICES_KEY"' >> $BASH_ENV
  decode_gservices_key: &decode_gservices_key
      name: Decode Google Services key
      command: echo $GOOGLE_SERVICES_KEY | base64 -di > app/google-services.json

  export_gcloud_key: &export_gcloud_key
      name: Export Google Cloud Service key environment variable
      command: echo 'export GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY="$GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY"' >> $BASH_ENV
  decode_gcloud_key: &decode_gcloud_key
      name: Decode Google Cloud credentials
      command: echo $GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY | base64 -di > client_secrets.json

  export_fabric_key: &export_fabric_key
      name: Export Fabric key
      command: echo 'export FABRIC_KEY="$FABRIC_KEY"' >> $BASH_ENV
  decode_fabric_key: &decode_fabric_key
      name: Decode Fabric key
      command: echo $FABRIC_KEY | base64 -di > app/

      <<: *android_config
        - checkout
        - restore_cache:
            key: jars-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum  "app/build.gradle" }}

        - run:
            name: Download Dependencies
            command: ./gradlew androidDependencies
        - save_cache:
              - ~/.gradle
            key: jars-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum  "app/build.gradle" }}

        - store_artifacts:
            path: app/build/reports
            destination: reports
        - run:
            name: Gradle build (debug)
            command: ./gradlew -PciBuild=true :app:assembleDebug :app:assembleAndroidTest
        - *persist_debug_workspace
        - store_artifacts:
            path: app/build/outputs/apk/
            destination: /apk/
      <<: *android_config
        - checkout
        - *restore_cache
        - run:
            name: Download dependencies
            command: ./gradlew androidDependencies

        - run:
            name: Gradle build (release)
            command: ./gradlew -PciBuild=true :app:assembleRelease
        - *persist_release_workspace
        - store_artifacts:
            path: app/build/outputs/apk/
            destination: /apk/
        - store_artifacts:
            path: app/build/outputs/mapping/
            destination: /mapping/
      <<: *android_config
        - checkout
        - *restore_cache
        - run:
            name: Download dependencies
            command: ./gradlew androidDependencies

        - run:
            name: Run unit tests
            command: ./gradlew -PciBuild=true :app:testDebugUnitTest
        - run:
            name: Run Tests
            command: ./gradlew lint test
        - *persist_debug_workspace
        - store_artifacts:
            path: app/build/reports/
            destination: /reports/
        - store_test_results:
            path: app/build/test-results/
            destination: /test-results/

      <<: *gcloud_config
        - *attach_debug_workspace
        - *export_gcloud_key
        - *decode_gcloud_key
        - run:
            name: Set Google Cloud target project
            command: gcloud config set project mobius-enterprise-e6854
        - run:
            name: Authenticate with Google Cloud
            command: gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file client_secrets.json
        - run:
            name: Run instrumented test on Firebase Test Lab
            command: echo y | apt-get install ant && ant -version clean emma debug install test && gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --test app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk --device model=Nexus5X,version=26,locale=en_US,orientation=portrait --environment-variables  EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true,coverage=true,coverageFile=/sdcard/ --directories-to-pull=/sdcard  --timeout 20m
            no_output_timeout: 1200
        - run:
            name: Create directory to store test results
            command: mkdir firebase
        - run:
            name: Download instrumented test results from Firebase Test Lab
            command: gsutil -m cp -r -U "`gsutil ls gs://test-lab-ubqdpqunat3jx-k45t9wpaarc4a | tail -1`*" /root/workspace/firebase/
        - *persist_firebase_workspace
        - store_artifacts:
            path: firebase/
            destination: /firebase/

      <<: *android_config
        - checkout
        - *restore_cache
        - run:
            name: Download dependencies
            command: ./gradlew androidDependencies
        - *attach_debug_workspace
        - *attach_firebase_workspace
        - run:
            name: Move Firebase coverage report
            command:  mkdir -p app/build/outputs/code-coverage/connected && cp firebase/Nexus5X-26-en_US-portrait/artifacts/ app/build/outputs/code-coverage/connected/
        - run:
            name: Generate JaCoCo report
            command: ./gradlew -PciBuild=true :app:jacocoTestReport --stacktrace

            path: app/build/reports/
            destination: /reports/

  version: 2
      - build_debug
      - build_release
      - test_unit
      - test_instrumented:
            - build_debug
      - report_coverage:
            - test_unit
            - test_instrumented
      #- deploy:
       #   filters:
        #    branches:
         #     only:
          #      - master
           # - build_release
            #- test_unit
            #- test_instrumented

from newspaper.

ayltai avatar ayltai commented on September 16, 2024

I notice that you run both gradlew testDebugUnitTest and gradlew test in build_debug job. Why doing both? gradlew test includes testing your debug build and release build. Did it pass for the release build? Can you run gradlew test locally without errors? If it encounters any error, it aborts the test step and there will be no report generated.

from newspaper.

sarthak-kapoor25 avatar sarthak-kapoor25 commented on September 16, 2024

thanks for your help pls close the issue i am able to generate unified coverage report now !
Thanks a lot +1

from newspaper.

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