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Comments (1)

gunnicus avatar gunnicus commented on July 18, 2024

Ok I fixed this error, pretty much I have to add int() to lots of the array index, this is the working file:

import numpy as np
import cv2
class Tracker():

# when starting a new instance please be sure to specify all unassigned variables 
def __init__(self, Mycenter_dis, Mywindow_width, Mywindow_height, Mypadding, Myslide_res, Myframe_ps, Myline_momentum = .5, Myheight_res = [1,2,4], \
    Mysmooth_factor = 15, Mycapture_height = 100, My_ym = 1, My_xm = 1, Myline_dist = 200):
    # list that stores all the past (left,right) center set values used for smoothing the output 
    self.recent_centers = []

    # base center pixel distance to use, tracker uses this as the sort of expected mean for center distance 
    self.center_dis =  Mycenter_dis

    # the window pixel width of the center values, used to count pixels inside center windows to determine curve values
    self.window_width = Mywindow_width

    # the window pixel height of the center values, used to count pixels inside center windows to determine curve values
    # breaks the image into vertical levels
    self.window_height = Mywindow_height

    # The pixel distance in both directions to slide (left_window + right_window) template for searching
    self.padding = Mypadding

    # how much to shrink / extend the center_dis base in pixels
    self.slide_res = Myslide_res

    #(0-1) percentage of how much line is allowed to slow down from moving in curving direction
    # examples:
    # if 0, the line could move vast distance in curving direction and then suddenly move exactly vertical but this is not a good natural curve shape
    # if 1, the line curving progression is constant or increasing, line is not allowed to decrease speed, this can easily throw it off path though
    # A good value for momentum is something in the middle of 0-1
    self.line_momentum = Myline_momentum

    # the image is broken into levels from dividing image input height by window height.
    # centers on bottom level are always calculated by level between 1-(top level) can be searched using different paths by different level skipping increments
    # This approach just helps to ensure the most curves are considered so better chance to return the max value curve 
    # 1 is most standard but it could lead down a wrong path from noisy pixels so with 2,4 level increments as well there is a better chance to get the optimal curve
    # Note inbetween levels from height_res > 1 are interpolated linearly. 
    self.height_res = Myheight_res

    # How many previous best curve sets to average over to get smooth results.
    self.smooth_factor = Mysmooth_factor

    # The following parameters are used for the speed tracking algorithm that uses template matching to measure
    # changes in distance traveled per frame

    # mono channel image of the distored road with no black edging, used to calculate speed and movement progression
    self.previous_capture = []

    # image height of the reference to calculate speed and do horizontal line overlay
    self.capture_height = Mycapture_height 

    self.ym_per_pix = My_ym # meters per pixel in vertical axis

    self.xm_per_pix = My_xm # meters per pixel in horizontal axis

    self.line_dist = (int)(Myline_dist/self.ym_per_pix) # how far apart horizontal lines are spaced apart in meters

    self.horz_lines = [] # list of horizontal lines to show distance tracking

    # frames per second in the video used for calculating speed
    self.frame_ps = Myframe_ps

    # keeps track off all distances moved for calculating speed
    self.distances = []

    # keeps track of all previous radius measurments and then can smooth it
    self.curvatures = []

    # keeps track of all previous speed measurments and then can smooth it
    self.speeds = []

def speed_track(self, new_capture):
    # see if previous reference caputre exists
    if len(self.previous_capture) > 0:
        # calculate the vertical movement

        # take top slice of reference
        reference = self.previous_capture[:self.window_height]

        # measure how much reference has slided down in new capture
        vertical_dist = np.argmin(cv2.matchTemplate(new_capture, reference, method=cv2.TM_SQDIFF))
        # progress lines
        for i in range(len(self.horz_lines)-1,-1,-1):
            # check if lines needs to be removed
            if (self.horz_lines[i] + vertical_dist) > self.capture_height-1:
                self.horz_lines[i] += vertical_dist

        # add line to list if needed
        if(len(self.horz_lines) > 0):
            if ((self.horz_lines[0]-self.line_dist) > 0):
                # insert at front of list

        # add horizontal lines for speed tracking
        for horz_line in range(0,self.capture_height,self.line_dist):

    # set the newest capture as the previous for next time
    self.previous_capture = new_capture

# all line spacing and units per pixel are done in meters so its
# easiest to return speed in kmh
def CalculateSpeed(self, metric_mode = True):
    # add last second of traveled meters
    meters_ps = np.sum(self.distances[-self.frame_ps:], axis = 0) # meters per second
    kmh = meters_ps*3.6

    if (metric_mode != True):

    # can average over the last five seconds
    return np.average(self.speeds[-self.frame_ps*5:], axis = 0)

# use averaging to return a more stable curvature value
def SmoothCurve(self):
    return np.average(self.curvatures[-self.smooth_factor:], axis = 0)

# the main tracking function for finding and storing lane segment positions
def new_track(self, warped):

    collection_curve_centers = []
    collection_curve_max = []

    # Search reference sides
    for line_ref in [-1,1]:#[-1,1]: # -1 for left reference and 1 for right reference

        # Search curve directions
        for curve_direction in [-1,1]:#[-1,1]: # -1 for curving left and 1 for curving right

            # Search levels
            for height_res in self.height_res:# iteration of different height resoultions where 1 is highest resoultion but might get side tracked

                #local center storing to later find best picks
                curve_centers = []
                curve_max = 0
                # if we dont have any reference positions to start we will just look at the highest amount of pixels in bottom quarter of image to get started
                if (len(self.recent_centers) == 0):
                    l_sum = np.sum(warped[int(3*warped.shape[0]/4):,:int(warped.shape[1]/2)], axis=0)
                    l_center =  int(np.argmax(l_sum))
                    r_sum = np.sum(warped[int(3*warped.shape[0]/4):,int(warped.shape[1]/2):], axis=0)
                    r_center = int(np.argmax(r_sum))+int(warped.shape[1]/2)

                # use previous start positions to make the lanetracker move more stable
                    r_center = self.recent_centers[-1][0][1]
                    l_center = self.recent_centers[-1][0][0]

                    # sliding around previous start point to see if we can get a section with high pixels
                    l_sum = np.sum(warped[int(17*warped.shape[0]/18):,l_center-self.padding:l_center+self.padding], axis=0)
                    # kind of important: switch the ordering so that a higher basis is given to orginal position instead of the very left range
                    # otherwise this could cause sliding problems acutally when all pixels are very high
                    l_sum = l_sum*np.concatenate((np.linspace(.5,1,self.padding),np.linspace(1,.5,self.padding)),  axis=0)
                    # as before we needed to be careful when all pixels were very high, also need to do the same when pixels are very low
                    # basically if all range pixels are very high or low we prefer to use the old position and not try to slide...
                    if (len(l_sum) > 0) & (np.max(l_sum) > 100):
                        l_center =  int(np.argmax(l_sum))+(l_center-self.padding)

                    # same thing we did for the left start but now for the right start    
                    r_sum = np.sum(warped[int(17*warped.shape[0]/18):,r_center-self.padding:r_center+self.padding], axis=0)
                    r_sum = r_sum*np.concatenate((np.linspace(.5,1,self.padding),np.linspace(1,.5,self.padding)),  axis=0)
                    if (len(r_sum) > 0) & (np.max(r_sum) > 100):
                        r_center = int(np.argmax(r_sum))+(r_center-self.padding)

                # used to control the lane curvature, helps create nice shaped splines
                l_dis = 0
                r_dis = 0

                # add what we found for the first layer
                # go through each layer locking for max pixel locations
                for level in range(1,(int)(warped.shape[0]/self.window_height),height_res):
                    #local center storing to later find best picks
                    max_values = []
                    max_pos = []
                    # used for sliding around centers, and we use the last layer centers as reference
                    # This is a pretty complicated routine, but basically going through coupled convolutions and taking notice if we are curving right/left, which left/right lane is the position references
                    # Main setup is to find local optimum lane positions and add them to a list and compare all of them for the highest value at the end.
                    for pad in range(-self.padding*2,self.padding*2,self.slide_res):
                        conv_template = np.concatenate((np.ones(self.window_width),np.zeros( int(self.center_dis-self.window_width+pad)),np.ones(self.window_width)))
                        conv_signal = np.convolve(conv_template, np.sum(warped[int(warped.shape[0]-(level+1)*40):int(warped.shape[0]-level*40),:], axis=0))
                        if ((((line_ref == 1) & (curve_direction == 1)) & (len(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+self.padding+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))]) != 0) ) | (((line_ref == 1) & (curve_direction == -1)) & (len(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))]) != 0 )) \
                                | (((line_ref == -1) & (curve_direction == 1)) & ((len(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+self.padding+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])) != 0)) | (((line_ref == -1) & (curve_direction == -1)) & ((len(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])) != 0) )):
                            if line_ref == 1:
                                if curve_direction == 1:
                                    pos = np.argmax(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+self.padding+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))])+max(r_center+r_dis,0)
                                    pos = np.argmax(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))])+max(r_center-self.padding+r_dis,0)
                                if curve_direction == 1:
                                    pos = np.argmax(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+self.padding+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])+max(l_center+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)
                                    pos = np.argmax(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])+max(l_center-self.padding+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)
                            if line_ref == 1:
                                if curve_direction == 1:
                                    if abs(l_center - (pos-(self.center_dis+pad))) < (self.padding+abs(r_dis)):
                                        max_value = np.amax(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+self.padding+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))])
                                        max_value = -10
                                    if abs(l_center - (pos-(self.center_dis+pad))) < (self.padding+abs(+r_dis)):
                                        max_value = np.amax(conv_signal[int(max(r_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+r_dis,0)):int(min(r_center+self.window_width/2+r_dis,warped.shape[1]))])
                                        max_value = -10
                                if curve_direction == 1:
                                    if abs(r_center - pos) < (self.padding+abs(l_dis)):
                                        max_value = np.amax(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+self.padding+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])
                                        max_value = -10
                                    if abs(r_center - pos) < (self.padding+abs(l_dis)):
                                        max_value = np.amax(conv_signal[int(max(l_center+self.window_width/2-self.padding+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,0)):int(min(l_center+self.window_width/2+self.center_dis+pad+l_dis,warped.shape[1]))])
                                        max_value = -10   
                            if curve_direction == 1:
                    pad = np.arange(-self.padding*2,self.padding*2,self.slide_res)
                    max_index = np.argmax(max_values)
                    r_dis = (max_pos[max_index] - r_center)*.5
                    l_dis = ((max_pos[max_index]-(self.center_dis+pad[max_index]))-l_center)*.5
                    r_center = max_pos[max_index]
                    l_center = r_center-(self.center_dis+pad[max_index])

                    # find centers and values of interpolated levels if height_res was more than 1
                    if (height_res > 1) & (level > 1):
                        right_level_xoffset = curve_centers[level-height_res][1] - r_center
                        left_level_xoffset = curve_centers[level-height_res][0] - l_center
                        for interpolated_level in range(level-height_res,level-1):
                            interpolated_ratio = (interpolated_level-(level-height_res)+1)/(height_res)
                            inter_r_center = r_center+right_level_xoffset*interpolated_ratio
                            inter_l_center = l_center+left_level_xoffset*interpolated_ratio
                            conv_template = np.ones(self.window_width)
                            conv_signal = np.convolve(conv_template, np.sum(warped[int(warped.shape[0]-(interpolated_level+1)*40):int(warped.shape[0]-interpolated_level*40),:], axis=0))
                            right_interpolated_value = conv_signal[int(inter_r_center+self.window_width/2)]
                            left_interpolated_value = conv_signal[int(inter_l_center+self.window_width/2)]

                            curve_max += (left_interpolated_value+right_interpolated_value)

                    curve_max += np.amax(max_values)


    # return the highest valued centers positions out of all the local best candidates considered 
    return collection_curve_centers[np.argmax(collection_curve_max)]

def track_line(self, warped):

    # return averaged values of the line centers, helps to keep the markers from jumping around too much
    return np.average(self.recent_centers[-self.smooth_factor:], axis = 0)

from advance-lane-finding.

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