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ci_pp4_workout_planner's Introduction

Workout Planner

Developer: Aleksandra Haniok

💻 Visit live website

Mockup image

Table of Contents


The Workout Planner is an application for creating weekly training rota which also gives users ideas of exercises for their next training session.

User Goals

  • Be able to plan their workouts
  • Be able to amend their plan at any point
  • View the plan at any time

Site Owner Goals

  • Provide an online solution for users to plan their weekly workouts
  • Create visually appealing design
  • Provide fully responsive application with straightforward navigation

User Experience

Target Audience

  • People who want to be more organised with their workouts
  • Gym enthusiasts who focus on training different body parts and want to plan their weekly schedule to potentially avoid repetitions in their training
  • People who want to keep track of their workout/fitness routine
  • People who don’t want to think back and remember which day of the week they trained a specific part of the body

User Requirements and Expectations

  • Straightforward navigation
  • Easy to use
  • A responsive application that allows the user to access their plan on any device
  • Visually appealing design for all screen size
  • Links and functions that work as expected
  • An easy way to contact the developer
  • Accessibility
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User Stories


  1. I want to see the home page with explanation of the app
  2. I want to be able to easily navigate around the application to different pages
  3. I want to create my account to be able to plan my workouts
  4. I want to prepare a plan for multiple weeks in advance
  5. I want to be able to edit my current plans at any point
  6. I want to delete my plan if no longer needed
  7. I want to see feedback messages so that I know that my plan was created, edited or deleted
  8. I want to be able to view previous plans to help me prepare the following week’s workout
  9. I want to find inspiration for my workouts and be able to use search option to find a particular exercise
  10. As a returning user, I want to log in to the app to see my current plans
  1. I want to see details of a specific exercise and get an idea how to perform it correctly
  2. I want a paginated list of exercises so that I can easily select an exercise to view
  3. I want to be able to log out from my account
  4. I want to be able to see details of my account on the profile page
  5. I want to be able to delete my account if I decide to no longer use the app

Site Owner

  1. I want every site visitor to be able to view the catalogue of exercises
  2. I want only the logged-in users to be able to create their plans
  3. I want users to be able to create the plan on any day that suits their needs
  4. I want data entry to be validated on sign-up page
  5. I want the user to come to a 404 error page instead of having to use the browser back button if they enter a URL that does not exist
  6. I want user to be able to contact me and provide their feedback
  7. I want user to receive feedback if their message in contact form has been sent.
  8. I want my site to be fully responsive
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The colour scheme was chosen to provide simple, neutral and fresh look. It was an intention to keep the website for all range of users and avoid colour stereotype typically found in the gyms and sports centres such as bright green or blue.

These colours were used throughout all the pages in such a way as to ensure adequate contrast and good user experience.

The pallet created using

See colour pallet


Google Fonts were implemented on the website. Roboto with sans-serif as fallback was used thoughout the site to present the content in a clear and legible way.


Website pages

Simplicity, clarity and ease of navigation between pages were the key aspects for design of this website's structure.

At the top of the page there is a recognisable type of navigation bar with website name on the left side and the navigation links to the right which collapses to hamburger icon on smaller screen sizes. At the bottom of the page there is a footer with links to a contact page and developer's social media (opening in a separate tab/window).

  • The website consists of the following sections:
    • Home page with an overview of the content and aim of the website.
    • Planner page where a not logged-in user can see an example of the workout plan and choose to log in or register. Registered user can either view their workout plans or create a new one.
    • Choose date screen where user can select the start date of their workout plan.
    • Add plan page allowing user to create a plan.
    • View plans page where user can see all their plans.
    • Edit plan page where user can edit an existing plan.
    • Delete plan allowing user to delete selected plan.
    • Exercises list page with catalogue of exercises and a filter option to find a specific exercise.
    • Exercise detail page where user can see a description of a chosen exercise.
    • Login page for returning user to log in.
    • Register page allowing a new user to sign up.
    • Profile page where user can view details of their account and created plans and also delete their account.
    • Logout page allowing user to log out of the website.
    • Contact page with contact form which allows users to send an email to the developer and provide their feedback.
    • 404 error page.


  • The backend consists of Python built with the Django framework with a database of a Postgres for the deployed version
  • Two database models contain all fields stored in the database and mimics the structure of what is actually stored in the Postgres database
Show diagram

The following models were created to represent the database model structure for the website:

User Model
  • The User model contains information about the user. It is part of the Django allauth library
WorkoutPlan Model
  • The WorkoutPlan model contains the following fields: first_day and User
  • The model has a one-to-one relationship with User
WorkoutTime Model
  • The WorkoutTime model contains the workout_time_name field
  • The model contains information about the workout time (AM or PM)
Workout Model
  • The Workout model contains the following fields: workout_name, workout_time, workout_plan and day
  • It contains WorkoutTime as a foreign key
  • It contains WorkoutPlan as a foreign key
  • The day field contains the date of week for the plan
Exercise Model
  • The Exercise model contains the following fields: name, description, body_part, type, equipment, level and image
  • The model represents an exercise and its details
  • The name fields contains the exercise name
  • The description field contains exercise description
  • It contains BodyPart as a foreign-key
  • It contains Type as a foreign key
  • It contains Level as a foreign key
  • The image field contains the exercise image
BodyPart Model
  • The model contains the body type category for an exercise
  • The model contains the following fields: part
Type Model
  • The model contains the type of an exercise
  • The model contains the following fields: type
Equipment Model
  • The model contains the equipment type for an exercise
  • The model contains the following fields: equipment
  • It contains Exercise as many-to-many field
Level Model
  • The model contains the level of an exercise
  • The model contains the following fields: level


Big screens - laptop & desktop
Medium screens - tablet
Small screens - mobile

Technologies Used

Languages & Frameworks

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Python 3.10.2
  • Django 3.2

Libraries & Tools

  • Am I Responsive was used to create the multi-device mock-up at the top of this file
  • Balsamiq to create the projects wireframes
  • Bootstrap v5.1.3. This project uses the Bootstrap library for UI components (Buttons, Card, Footer, Modal, Pagination, Navbar)
  • Canva was used to create a background image
  • Cloudinary to store static files
  • used for the database schema diagram
  • for making the site favicon
  • Chrome dev tools was used for debugging of the code and checking site for responsiveness
  • Font Awesome - Icons from Font Awesome were used throughout the site
  • Git was used for version control within VSCode to push the code to GitHub
  • GitHub was used as a remote repository to store project code
  • Google Fonts
  • Render Platform was used to deploy the project into live environment
  • jQuery was used for drop-down exercises filters on smaller screens
  • Postgres – deployed project on Render uses a Postgres database
  • was used to remove background on home page images & 404 page image
  • Summernote - editor used for exercise description field in Admin page
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode) - code editor used to write this project
  • Validation:
    • WC3 Validator was used to validate the html in the project
    • Jigsaw W3 Validator to validate the css in the project
    • JShint for JavaScript quality
    • PEP8 to check code against Python conventions
    • Lighthouse for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO analysis of the project code
    • Wave Validator to evaluate accessibility
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Logo and Navigation Bar

  • Featured and consistent on the all pages
  • The nav bar contains links to Home page, Planner page, Exercise page and Profile page.
    • Logged-in users will see their name in the nav bar with option on click to either view their profile or log out
    • Not logged in users will have option to either register or log in
  • The nav bar is fully responsive and changes to a toggler (hamburger menu) on smaller size screens
  • The navbar allows user to easily jump to a specific section on the website
  • User stories covered: 2, 18
See feature images

Logo and navbar Logo and navbar Logo and navbar Logo and navbar

Home page

  • Home page includes nav bar, main body and a footer
  • Home page main body includes description of the website and what its users can find and expect. It has direct links to the planner page and exercises page
  • User stories covered: 1
See feature images

Home page


  • A footer is displayed at the bottom of the each page
  • Contains link to contact form (opening in the same window), social media and GitHub page (opening in a separate window)
  • Contains copyrights info
  • User stories covered: 16
See feature images


Sign up / Register

  • New users can create an account
  • The user must provide a valid username, password and password confirmation. Email address is optional
  • User cannot register the same details twice for an account
  • Once register the users are immediately logged in and taken to the planner page
  • User stories covered: 3, 14
See feature images

Register Register Register Register


  • Returning users can login to their account
  • The user must have an account in the system and they must enter the correct username and password
  • Both fields are mandatory
  • Once logged in the user will be navigated to the planner page
  • User stories covered: 10, 12, 14
See feature images

Login Login


  • Confirmation screen for Logged in user to logout from their account
  • User stories covered: 21
See feature images



  • Logged in user can see details about their account and workouts created
  • User stories covered: 22
See feature images


Delete account

  • User have an option to delete their account from the system.
  • The modal pops up for user to confirm their choice and are warned that this action is irreversible
  • User stories covered: 23
See feature images

Delete profile

Planner page

  • There are two views depending whether a user is logged in or not
    • For users who are not logged in to their account they can see two options to access the planner - log in and sign up. There is also an example of the planner to give user an idea how the ready plan looks like
    • Logged-in users can see the confirmation message that they've been successfully logged in and they are taken back to the planner page where they can select from two options to either view their current plans or add a new one
  • User stories covered: 3, 10, 12
See feature images

Planner Planner

Choose date

  • User can select the first day of their plan using the date picker
  • It is not possible to create two plans starting on the same day. On selection of an incorrect date the user is presented with a warning message to choose another day on the calendar
  • User stories covered: 4, 13
See feature images

Choose date Choose date

Add plan

  • User can add plan either from the planner page or the view plans page
  • There are 28 input fields representing the workout plan. 14 fields for AM and 14 for PM
  • It is possible to leave some fields blank
  • For easier navigation on small screen devices the first column is frozen so that user can see it at all times when scrolling right & left between days of the week
  • User is provided with a feedback message that their plan has been added
  • User stories covered: 4, 13
See feature images

Add plan

View plans

  • User can see all the plans they created
  • There is one plan per page displayed with the date at the top of the table
  • User can use the right & left navigation arrows to jump between plans
  • There are three options available to edit plan, add a new plan or delete the currently viewed plan. These are represented by the font awesome icons below the workout plan table
  • For easier navigation on small screen devices the first column is frozen so that user can see it at all times when scrolling right & left between days of the week
  • User stories covered: 4, 8
See feature images

View plans View plans

Navigation icons

  • Located unser the plan in the view plans page
  • Allow user to edit, add or delete currently displayed plan on the page
  • User stories covered: 5, 6
See feature images

Navigation icons

Edit plan

  • User can edit a selected plan
  • This can be done by clicking the first icon from the navigation icons
  • Date of plan currently being edited is displayed above the plan
  • User can edit any field and save once happy with edition
  • For easier navigation on small screen devices the first column is frozen so that user can see it at all times when scrolling right & left between days of the week
  • User is provided with a feedback message that their plan has been edited
  • User stories covered: 5
See feature images

Edit plan

Delete plan

  • User can delete a selected plan
  • This can be done by clicking the third icon from the navigation icons
  • The modal pops up for user to confirm the deletion of the plan
  • User is provided with a feedback message that their plan has been deleted
  • User stories covered: 6
See feature images

Delete plan

Feedback messages

  • User is provided with feedback message about the action their performed, eg. added, edited or deleted a plan or logged-in, registered, logged-out, etc.
  • User stories covered: 7
See feature images

Feedback messages Feedback messages Feedback messages Feedback messages Feedback messages Feedback messages

Exercises list page

  • A page with a catalogue of training exercises targeting different body parts, with various level of difficulty and type of training
  • User is able to search through all the exercises choosing a specific body part, level of difficulty or type of training. They can also find a specific exercise by typing a part of its name
  • User stories covered: 9, 11
See feature images

Exercises list

Exercise filter

  • Filter through all the exercises which allows user to find a specific exercise depending on the targetedd body part, level of difficulty or type of training. There is also an option to find an exercise by typing a part of its name
  • Filter collapses on smaller screens and expands by clicking on the 'Find an exercise' button
  • User stories covered: 9
See feature images

Exercise filter Exercise filter

Exercise pagination

  • Allows for display of twelve exercises per page, if there are more, the page is paginated
  • User to go the the previous/next page or the first/last page of exercises
  • User stories covered: 20
See feature images

Exercise pagination

Exercise detail page

  • Provides overview of the exercise
  • Users can view a detailed description on how to perform the exercise
  • User stories covered: 19
See feature images

Exercise detail page

Contact form

  • Contact form allows user to contact the developer and send their message or provide feedback
  • All three fields (username, email and message) on the form are mandatory
  • Not logged-in users need to provide their name, email address and message content
  • Username on the form is automatically provided for the logged-in user as well as their email address, if one was given during account registration. If not, the user needs to provide their email address manually.
  • User stories covered: 16
See feature images

Contact form Contact form Contact form

Contact form confirmation

  • Confirmation message is provided for user that they contact message has been successfully sent
  • User stories covered: 17
See feature images

Contact form confirmation

Error pages

  • If a user encounters an error, the relevant error page is displayed (400, 403, 404 or 500)
  • User stories covered: 15
See feature images

Error page

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The W3C Markup Validation Service was used to validate the HTML of the website.

Choose date
Add Plan
Edit Plan
View Plans
Exercises list page
Exercise detail page
Contact form page
Error Pages (400, 403, 404, 500)

CSS Validation

The W3C Jigsaw CSS Validation Service was used to validate the CSS of the website. When validating all website, it passes with no errors.


JavaScript Validation

JSHint JS Validation Service was used to validate the Javascript files. No errors were found.


PEP8 Validation

PEP8 Validation Service was used to check the code for PEP8 requirements. All the code passes with no errors and no warnings to show.


Chrome Dev Tools Lighthouse

Lighthouse was used to test the performance, accessibility, best practice and SEO of the site. Overall the results are very good for the 4 values.


View results
Page Performance (%) Accessibility (%) Best Practices (%) SEO (%)
home/templates/home/index.html 99 100 92 100
home/templates/home/contact.html 100 100 92 100
home/templates/home/profile.html 100 100 92 100
exercises/templates/exercises/exercises_list.html 99 96 92 100
exercises/templates/exercises/exercise.html 100 100 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/add_plan.html 100 93 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/choose_date.html 100 93 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/edit_plan.html 100 93 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/planner.html 100 98 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/view_plans.html 100 98 92 100
templates/account/login.html 100 100 92 90
templates/account/signup.html 100 100 92 100
templates/account/logout.html 100 100 92 100


View results
Page Performance (%) Accessibility (%) Best Practices (%) SEO (%)
home/templates/home/index.html 99 100 92 100
home/templates/home/contact.html 99 100 92 100
home/templates/home/profile.html 99 100 92 100
exercises/templates/exercises/exercises_list.html 75 98 92 100
exercises/templates/exercises/exercise.html 99 100 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/add_plan.html 99 93 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/choose_date.html 99 92 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/edit_plan.html 98 93 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/planner.html 99 98 92 100
plannerapp/templates/plannerapp/view_plans.html 97 98 92 100
templates/account/login.html 98 100 92 92
templates/account/signup.html 99 100 92 100
templates/account/logout.html 99 100 92 100


The WAVE WebAIM web accessibility evaluation tool was used to test the websites accessibility.

Home page
Contact page - Initially there were 3 errors shown for no labels to input fields. This was fixed by adding labels and setting bootstrap class to sr-only.
Profile page
Exercises list
Exercise detail page
Choose date page
Add plan
  • There were 28 errors identified related to missing form labels which were fixed and as a result there are no more errors identified. Same issues for edit plan page.
Edit plan
Planner page
  • Initially there was one error related to the empty table header (1st th element), which was fixed by addiding value to the th element and setting 'visibility: none';
View plans
  • A few errors related to empty links of navigation icons were corrected by adding aria-hidden='true' and setting bootstrap class to sr-only.
Error page
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The testing approach is as follows:

  1. Manual testing of user stories
  2. Automated testing

Manual testing of user stories

  1. I want to see the home page with explanation of the app
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Navigate to Home page main body loads with application description Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to easily navigate around the application to different pages
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on 'Home' link on the navigation bar Loads home page Works as expected
Click on 'Planner' link on the navigation bar Loads planner page Works as expected
Click on 'Exercise' link on the navigation bar Loads exercises page Works as expected
Click on User name on the navigation bar and then 'Profile' from the drop-down menu Loads user profile page Works as expected
Click on User name on the navigation bar and then 'Log out' from the drop-down menu Loads log out page Works as expected
  1. I want to create my account to be able to plan my workouts
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Select 'Log in' on the navigation bar and 'Register' from the drop-down menu Loads Registration page Works as expected
Provide username Shows error if username is shorter than 4 characters Works as expected
Provide password Shows error if password don't meet password criteria Works as expected
Click 'Register' button at the bottom of the form User is logged-in, taken to the planner page and presented with a confirmation message Works as expected
  1. I want to prepare a plan for multiple weeks in advance
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Register or log in to the account to be able to create a plan Loads planner page Works as expected
Click on the 'Add a new plan' button Display a choose date page with a date picker Works as expected
Select first day for the plan and click 'Choose' Loads add plan page with selected first day of the week Works as expected
Fill in the plan and click 'Add plan' button Loads view plans page with completed plan Works as expected
Click on the 2nd icon (Plus sign) from the navigation icons below the current plan and repeat two above steps Create a new plan with a different start day Works as expected
Select first day from the date picker which has already been selected Show error message and clear date picker for another selection Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to edit my current plans at any point
Step Expected Result Actual Result
In the view plans page click on the 1st icon from the navigation icons below the current plan Loads edit page for selected workout plan Works as expected
Edit the plan and click on 'Save' button Loads view plans page, displays confirmation message and shows amended plan Works as expected
  1. I want to delete my plan if no longer needed
Step Expected Result Actual Result
In the view plans page click on the 3rd icon from the navigation icons below the current plan Displays confirmation modal Works as expected
Click on 'Delete' on the pop up modal Deletes selected plan and displays confirmation message. Show current plans and if no plans are saved a relevant message for user Works as expected
  1. I want to see feedback messages so that I know that my plan was created, edited or deleted
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on the 'Add a new plan' button on planner page, fill in the plan and click 'Add plan' button Loads view plans page with completed plan Works as expected
Loads edit page for selected workout plan Works as expected
In the view plans page click on the 1st icon from the navigation icons below the current plan, edit the plan and click on 'Save' button Loads view plans page, displays confirmation message and shows amended plan Works as expected
In the view plans page click on the 3rd icon from the navigation icons below the current plan, click on 'Delete' on the pop up modal Deletes selected plan and displays confirmation message. Show current plans and if no plans are saved a relevant message for user Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to view previous plans to help me prepare the following week’s workout
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Register or log in to the account to be able to view all plans Loads planner page Works as expected
Click on 'View my current workout plans' button Loads view plans page Works as expected
Use right & left arrows to navigate between created plans Display previous & next plan Works as expected
  1. I want to find inspiration for my workouts and be able to use search option to find a particular exercise
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on the 'Exercises' menu on the navigation bar Loads exercises list page paginated by 12 Works as expected
Use filter to search a specific exercise depending on the body part, level or type Displays exercises matching users criteria Works as expected
Type a name or part of the exercise name and click on the 'Search' button Loads exercises containing searched phrase in their title Works as expected
Click on 'Clear' button to remove filter and display list of all exercises Loads exercises list paginated by 12 Works as expected
Click on '>>' button in the pagination feature to go to the next page displaying next 12 exercises Loads next 12 exercises from all exercises in the database Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to log in to the app to see my current plans
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on 'Log in' on the navigation bar and 'Log in' from the drop-down menu Loads Log in page Works as expected
Provide incorrect username & password Shows error if username and/or password are not correct Works as expected
Provide correct username & password Logs user in and loads a planner page. Displays confirmation message and username on the page screen and nav bar Works as expected
Click 'View my current workout plans' on the planner page Loads view plans page Works as expected
  1. I want every site visitor to be able to view the catalogue of exercises
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on 'Exercises' on the navigation bar Loads exercises list page Works as expected
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  1. I want only the logged-in users to be able to create their plans
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on 'Planner' on the navigation bar For not logged-in users displays an example of the plan and option to log in or register Works as expected
  1. I want users to be able to create the plan on any day that suits their needs
Step Expected Result Actual Result
On planner page click 'Add a new plan' Displays choose date page with a day picker Works as expected
Select any date on the calendar other than Monday, eg. Wednesday Displays add plan page with Wednesday as the first day of the plan Works as expected
Choose other date of the week as a first day, eg. Saturday Displays add plan page with Saturday as the first day of the plan Works as expected
  1. I want data entry to be validated on sign-up page
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on the 'Log in' on the nav bar and 'Register' from the drop-down menu Displays Registration page Works as expected
Input username shorter than 4 characters (eg. xyz) Prevents registration. Shows warning message to lenghten username text Works as expected
Input username which has already been taken (eg. Admin) Prevents registration. Displays 'A user with that username already exists.' message Works as expected
Input incorrect format of email Shows warning message to include '@' in the email. Prevents registration Works as expected
Input 'newuser12' password Prevents registration. Displays 'The password is too similar to the username' message Works as expected
Input '12345678' as a password Prevents registration. Displays 'This password is entirely numeric' message Works as expected
Input 'testing' as a password Prevents registration. Displays 'This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters' message Works as expected
Input two different values in 'Password' and 'Password (again)' fields Prevents registration. Displays 'You must type the same password each time.' message Works as expected
  1. I want the user to come to a 404 error page instead of having to use the browser back button if they enter a URL that does not exist
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Type the wrong page in the www address Reroute to a customised 404 page Works as expected
  1. I want user to be able to contact me and provide their feedback
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on the envelope icon in the footer Displays contact page with contact form Works as expected
For user who is not logged-in fill in username, email and message fields and click 'Send message' Initially displays contact form with no data in and after completion sends the form Works as expected
For user who is logged-in and did not provide email on registration, fill in email and message fields and click 'Send message' Initially displays contact form with prepopulated username and after input of email and message sends the form It did not work when tested. User email was not shown in the received email. The code in home was corrected and the feature re-tested. As documented in the screenshot below, it now works as expected.
For user who is logged-in and provided email on registration, fill in the message fields and click 'Send message' Initially displays contact form with prepopulated username and email address and sends the form with user message Works as expected
  1. I want user to receive feedback if their message in contact form has been sent.
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Click on the envelope icon in the footer Displays contact page with contact form Works as expected
Fill in required contact form fields and click 'Send message' button Display confirmation message to the user Works as expected
  1. I want my site to be fully responsive
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Change device screen size using chrome dev tools The web functionality remains the same on various screen sizes Works as expected
  1. I want to see details of a specific exercise and get an idea how to perform it correctly
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Navigate to exercise page in the navigation bar Displays the list of all exercises paginated by 12 Works as expected
Click 'View' button under an exercise picture and overview Displays the selected exercise detail page Works as expected for both logged in and not logged in user
  1. I want a paginated list of exercises so that I can easily select an exercise to view
Step Expected Result Actual Result
Navigate to exercise page in the navigation bar Displays the list of all exercises paginated by 12 Works as expected
Click on the '»' symbol to go to the next page Displays next available page Works as expected
Click on the '»»' to jump to the last page Displays last page Works as expected
Click on the '«' symbol to go to the previous page Displays previous available page Works as expected
Click on the '««' to jump to the first page Displays first page Works as expected
Put a filter on exercises and select only exercises for legs from the body part filter and click 'Search' Displays only exercises matching the search criteria Works as expected
Test '»»' & '««' symbols to jump to the last / first page Displays last / first page available Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to log out from my account
Step Expected Result Actual Result
On navigation bar click on username and select 'Log out' from the drop-down menu Displays the log out page Works as expected
Click on the 'Log out' button Logs user out and displays confirmation message Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to see details of my account on the profile page
Step Expected Result Actual Result
On navigation bar click on username and select 'Profile' from the drop-down menu Displays the profile page Works as expected
  1. I want to be able to delete my account if I decide to no longer use the app
Step Expected Result Actual Result
On navigation bar click on username and select 'Profile' from the drop-down menu Displays the profile page Works as expected
Click on the 'Delete profile' button Pops up modal to confirm user's decision and warns about the irreversibility of this action Works as expected
Click on the 'Delete' button to confirm the choice Deletes the user account and displays the message on the main screen Works as expected

Automated testing

Automated testing was done using the Django's unit tests from a Python standard library module: unittest. The reports were produced using the coverage tool.

  • Exercises app:

  • Home app:

  • Plannerapp app:

Performing tests on various devices

The website was tested using Google Chrome Developer Tools Toggle Device Toolbar to simulate viewports of different devices.

The website was tested on the following devices:

  • ASUS ZenBook (tablet screen)
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A (tablet screen)
  • Samsung S7 (mobile screen)

Browser compatibility

  • Testing has been carried out on the following browsers:
    • Googe Chrome Version 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    • Firefox Browser 99.0.1 (64-bit)
    • Microsoft Edge Version 101.0.1210.32 (Official build) (64-bit)
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Bug Fix
The post method on the date selector did not work properly Renamed function to 'post', removed 'if request.method == "POST":'. Also standardised the nomenclature of files - changed ‘-‘ to ‘_’
The session ID for the planner could not be obtained Changed "request.session[] =" into "request.session[''] ="
Unable to save forms from formset due to row containing null values Added properties to WorkoutPlan models (blank=True, null=False, default='',)
Validation: button being a descendant of an element and vice-versa (e.g. <a href="/planner"><button type="button" class="button">start now</button></a> Made an a tag with a class of link-button (<a href="/planner" class="link-button mt-2">start now</a>)
Duplicated code of exercise filters with its appearence on the page was set with CSS and media queries which was causing html errors due to duplicated ID tags Removed duplicated code and wrote JavaScript function to adjust filter drop-down and functionality on the smaller screens
Validation: wave tool identified 3 errors due to no labels to input fields Fixed by adding labels and setting bootstrap class to sr-only
Validation: wave tool identified 28 errors for missing form fields labels in add plan and edit plan page Added labels with no visibility set
Validation: error identified for missing 1st table header field Added value to the th element and set 'visibility: none';
Validation: wave tool identified a few error for empty links of navigation icons Added aria-hidden='true' and set bootstrap class to sr-only
Testing: no email address shown on email from logged-in user who had to manually input their address to the field on the contact form Amended view to display contact form in by adding nested if function in if request.user.is_authenticated
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Google emails

To set up the project to send emails and to use a Google account as an SMTP server, the following steps are required:

  1. Create an email account at, login, click you user icon and then on 'Manage Your Google Account'
  2. Click on the Security tab
  3. Turn on 2-step verification and follow the steps to enable
  4. Click on App passwords, click on Select app and choose Other
  5. Give your app a name and click on 'Generate'
    App password
  6. A 16 digit password will be generated, note the password down
  7. Set the below variables within the file to successfully send emails
    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
    EMAIL_HOST = ''
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ.get('EMAIL_HOST_USER')
    EMAIL_PORT = '587'
    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
  8. Set up the variables EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD in your Render application Config vars

Forking the GitHub Repository

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Click on Fork button in top right corner
  3. You will then have a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

Making a Local Clone

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Highlight the "HTTPS" button to clone with HTTPS and copy the link
  4. Open commandline interface on your computer
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. Type git clone and paste the URL from the clipboard
$ git clone
  1. Press Enter to create your local clone
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Images used in this app were found via Google Search Engine. I'm not able to list all the sources but would like to emphasise that I'm not the author of any of them, except for the background image

  • Some pictures used in this app were taken from the CrossFit® youtube channel (screenshot), e.g. bench press
  • Picture of Hip thrust exercise taken from here
  • Picture of Pull up exercise taken from here
  • Picture of Triceps kick back taken from here
  • Picture of Romanian Deadlift exercise taken from here
  • Picture of Broad jump exercise taken from here
  • Picture of Jumping Jack exercise taken from here
  • Picture of Hammer Curls exercise taken from here
  • Home page images: feepik & PNG ALL
  • This picture was used for error pages
  • The background image was created by the developer with Canva


  • How to create sign in and out page inspired by this tutorial later in the developement replaced using django allauth
  • How to render formatted text in the admin area on the website by GitHub
  • How to represent day of the week with names instead of dates – source
  • Youtube tutorial on how to create exercise filter
  • Model forms:
  • FormSets:
  • Lear about form widgets
  • Stackoverflow explanation between blank & null in the database
  • Pagination used in the view_plans page explained in the course materials from Code Institute
  • Pagination with filters created using Youtube tutorial and
  • Feedback messages taken from Code Institute 'I think therefore I blog' walkthrough project
  • Collapsible navbar effect created with this Youtube tutorial
  • How to send emails with Django and Gmail – Youtube &
  • Sticky first column in the table created with help of this source
  • Arrows for plans pagination taken from here
  • Stackoverflow - prevent choosing the same start day if the plan already exists
  • Stackoverflow - catch Integrity Error and show a customized message using template
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I would like to thank everyone who supported me in the development of this project:

  • Code Institute Tutors for their great assistance
  • My mentor Mo for professional guidance and helpful feedback
  • Code Institute community on Slack for resources and support
  • Friends and family for words of encouragement

ci_pp4_workout_planner's People


aleksandrajh avatar





ci_pp4_workout_planner's Issues

User Story: Log out

As a site user I can log out so that others using my PC don't have instant access to my account

Acceptance criteria

  • When user is logged in to their account and they select Log out in the drop-down menu they are taken to the log out page
  • When user confirms they want to sign out then they are logged out from their account and taken to the home page
  • A relevant feedback message is displayed to the user

User Story: Delete plan

As a site user, I can delete my plan so that I can remove it if no longer needed

Acceptance criteria

  • If the user is logged into the site and they have selected one of their workout plan to be deleted and confirmed the delete request then the plan is deleted
  • A visual feedback message should be displayed

User Story: Exercise search

As a site user I can search through all exercises so that I can find a specific exercise

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a straightforward filter option with label for each field
  • User should be able to search an exercise by knowing a part of its name
  • Filter option should not take up all the screen space on mobile device - collapsible menu

User Story: Home page

As a new site user, I can view the home page so that I can understand what the site is about

Acceptance criteria

  • The description should be clearly visible without the need to scroll down the page

User Story: Exercise detail

As a site user I can see details of a specific exercise so that I get an idea how to perform it correctly

Acceptance criteria

  • The exercise image should be clearly visible on any screen size
  • There should be all info about the selected exercise displayed on a page
  • There should be a link taking user back to the list of all exercises

User Story: Delete account

As a site user I can delete my account if I decide to no longer use the app so that my details will be deleted from the database

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a button displayed beneath user account details allowing them to delete their profile
  • When clicking on the button there should be a pop up modal displayed to confirm user's decision and warning about the fact that the action is irreversible
  • If the user confirmed the delete request then the user account is deleted from the database and user is taken to the home page
  • A visual relevant feedback message should be displayed

User Story: Log in

As a returning site user, I can log in so that I can see my current plan

Acceptance criteria

  • When user clicks on the Login tab in the nav bar they are taken to the login page where they need to input their name and password
  • Once logged in the user is taken directly to the planner page

User Story: View previous plans

As a site user, I can view my previous plans so that I can prepare my next weeks' workouts better

Acceptance criteria

  • If the user is logged into the site and they have selected to view their current plans, they are presented with all plans paginated by 1
  • There should be an info if user has no existing plans
  • Clear navigation icons should be displayed for user to edit, add and delete the plan

User Story: Contact form submit feedback

As a site user, I can see a confirmation message so that I'm sure my form has been sent successfully

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a message displayed to inform the user the form has been sent

User Story: Date picker

As a site owner I want users to pick any day to start their plan so that they can make a plan to suit their needs

User Story: Edit workout plan

As a site user, I can edit my workout plan so that I can change it at any point

Acceptance criteria

  • If the user is logged into the site and they have selected one of their workout plan to be edited and have made the appropriate changes, their plan is amended
  • A relevant visual feedback message is displayed
  • Each workout should be editable multiple times

User Story: Contact form

As a site owner I want users to fill out the contact form so that they can contact me and leave a message or provide their feedback

Acceptance criteria

  • Contact form should be available for not logged in users
  • Data provided during user registration should be pulled out into the contact form

User Story: Feedback messages

As a site user, I can view feedback messages so that I know my plan was created, edited or deleted

Acceptance criteria

  • Displayed messages should inform about the current action
  • Messages should be colour coded for a relevant action/error message

User Story: User sign up

As a site user, I can create my account so that I am able to plan my workouts

Acceptance criteria

  • When user clicks on the Login tab in the nav bar and selects to Register, they are taken to the sing up page where they need to fill in all required fields. Then their account will be created.
  • Once the account has been created, user is taken directly to the planner page

User Story: Exercises list

As a site user, I can view a list of exercises so that I can find an inspiration for my workouts

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a list of exercises limited to a specific number for a fast page loading and easy navigation
  • For each exercise there should be a picture, its name and category
  • The view option should be beneath each exercise

User Story: Profile page

As a site user I can see my profile page so that I view my account details and activity

Acceptance criteria

  • When user is logged in to their account and they select Profile option in the drop-down menu they are taken to their profile page
  • There should be user's username and email displayed if provided during the registration and user current workout plans details

User Story: Exercises pagination

As a site user I can see a paginated list of exercises so that I can easily select an exercise to view

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be 12 exercises displayed per page
  • There should be an option to jump into the next/previous page
  • There should be an option to jump to the first/last page

User Story: Logged-in user to create plans

As a site owner, I want to make sure that only logged-in users can create their plans so that data privacy is ensured

Acceptance criteria

  • When selecting the Planner page on the nav bar the user should be prompt to either log in or sign up
  • There should be an error message displayed if user tries to create a plan without logging in

User Story: 404 page

As a site owner, I want users to come to a 404 error page so that they don't have to user the browser back button if they enter a URL that does not exist

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a link allowing user to go back to home page without the need to click on the nav bar menu

User Story: Navigation bar

As a site user, I can use the navigation bar so that I can easily navigate around the application to different pages

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be a home link to take user to the main page
  • The navigation bar should be consistent on each page
  • There should be an indication if user is logged in or not

User Story: Data entry validation

As a site owner I want to validate user's data entry on sign-up page so that user can create an account with accurate data

Acceptance criteria

  • There should be only one user of the same name in the database
  • Username should be of a minimum 4 characters
  • There should be a verification of the password input
  • There should be a short instructions of the password criteria within the registration form
  • There should be a relevant message displayed to the user if any of the fields is incorrect

User Story: Create multiple plans

As a site user, I can create multiple workout plans so that I can plan my workout routine in advance

Acceptance criteria

  • Creation of another plan should not override any existing plan
  • User should be able to create one plan starting on a chosen date

User Story: Site responsiveness

As a site owner I want my site to be fully responsive so that users can you use it on different devices

Acceptance criteria

  • Information on all pages should be displayed in a user friendly manner on all screen sizes
  • All displayed pictures should have an adequate resolution for the used screen size

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

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  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

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  • web

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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