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rofi's Introduction

> Hi there, I'm Aditya Shakya

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Glad to see you here!  

I am the developer of Archcraft, Which is an open-source Linux distribution based on Arch Linux.

I love spending my time creating something that not only looks good but also perfectly usable and practical. That being said, Archcraft came to life. I've been creating, updating and maintaining it for the last 3 years.


Talking about Personal Stuffs:

  •    I’m currently working on something cool
  •    I’m currently learning Web Development
  •    Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
  •    I regulary create new stuff for Archcraft
  •    How to reach me: [email protected]

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rofi's Issues

Feather icons not appearing on rofi-git power menus

I installed the power menus, and currently when I try to launch the menu, none of the icons appear despite the fact that I have the feather font installed.


I've tried this with multiple themes but the issue persists on all of them.

rofi with new theme and goodbye to icons

After installation with I switch to any of the default rofi themes and the icons in applets and menus disappear.

Can this pack only be used with the default rofi theme?
Can't I really change to another theme that suits my taste without breaking the icons of this pack?

rofi -v
Version: 1.6.1

Bluetooth applet

First of all thank you for your amazing work!

One of two applets that are missing for my use case (moving from macOS to Linux) is a bluetooth applet. Would be great to be able to connect to my headphones from the status bar.

Icons not working

I can not get the icons to work in my setup.


I have copied Comfortaa folder fonts to both /usr/share/fonts/TTF and ~/.local/share/fonts
And copied Hurmit font to /usr/share/fonts/OTF and ~/.local/share/fonts and at the end i ran fc-cache.
I would appreciate your help

Request for scrollbar

First of all , thanks a lot for your impressive work
I tried enable scrollbar by adding scrollbar: true; in listview section but it only displays a whitebar
I request the dev to add a customizable scrollbar

syntax error on running menu_powermenu

❯ menu_powermenu
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedcpu: 8: [[: not found
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedcpu: 14: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedram: 4: Bad substitution
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedram: 17: [[: not found
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedram: 19: [[: not found
/home/shadowleaf/.config/rofi/bin/usedram: 23: [[: not found

I'm on zsh

i installed the repository and now im getting an error.

So i installed the repository but when i try to open rofi im getting an "error while parsing theme"
and it showed "icon-theme not found" in the config. rasi folder it showed the icon-theme was papyrus which is the theme im using.
any fix?

yes i have the latest rofi version.

Scaling problem - excess window size and icons off-centre

I am running rofi version 1.5.4 on Ubuntu 19.10 using i3-gaps. My screen resolution is 1920x1200.

When running the scripts the windows are too large (similar to #2 ) and the icons are off-centre. I can fix the window size going through the files and changing the height and width percentages but I cann't figure out how to fix the icon centring.

scaling issue

Where should Papirus icons be stored?

Thanks for putting these together.

I am having an issue where when trying to run I receive a message that the icon-theme named in config.rasi cannot be found. By default this is Papirus - which I have installed via the deb package, in ~/.icons, and in ~/.local/share/icons. None of these work and I still receive the error. I am running Ubuntu 19.10.

Edit: Turned out my rofi wasn't as up to date as I thought. Fixed now. Thanks again.

Close without escape key

Firstly, thank you.

I am curious as to weather it is possible to close your menus without the use of
the escape key. I would like to use them on a touch screen device.

Thanks in advance

Font icons not working

Hi, thanks for your massive work on all of these themes!

I try to make the powermenu applet works, but there's no icon. I installed font properly (Comfortaa and Hurmit) from pacman. I tried your solution described here #3 (comment), but it still not working.

Fonts are working properly in my Font Manager but not in the rofi.
To test what is the problem I tried to replace icons in by letters, and fonts in powermenu.rasi by basic Arial. I ran the script and it still no character (icon or letter), just blank elements.

Thanks for your help

Powermenu cannot log out of openbox

After not understanding why the logout function of the powermenu did not log out of the system, I looked into and on line 104, when checking for the $DESKTOP_SESSION envvar for the logout, the script tries to comapre it to "Openbox", which seems correct at first but after checking the envvar as it is defined on my system with echo $DESKTOP_SESSION I saw that the envvar returns openbox with a small o, and not a capital O. After editing the script with the correct small o, the logout function worked.

I am not sure if this is only a problem on my machine but I think comparing for both Openbox and openbox or somehow ignoring capitalization would be preferable.

Very small icons and weird element padding

Every applet or menu I try to run looks like that.

I'm running now stable release of rofi(ver. 1.6.0) but I have tried with next branch too. All fonts are installed in /usr/share/fonts I guess all my fonts are installed but here is fc-mach output of needed fonts.

fc-match 'Hurmit Nerd Font'
Hurmit Medium Nerd Font Complete.otf: "Hurmit Nerd Font" "medium"

fc-match 'Iosevka'
iosevka-regular.ttf: "Iosevka" "Regular"

fc-match 'feather'
feather.ttf: "feather" "Regular"

fc-match 'Fantasque Sans Mono'
FantasqueSansMono_Regular.ttf: "Fantasque Sans Mono" "Regular"

fc-match 'Comfortaa'
Comfortaa-Regular.ttf: "Comfortaa" "Regular"

And this problems appear with all applets and menus but launcher is running without a problem. Is there any easy solution to this?

Icons not displayed


I'm an Arch user and I've installed all the fonts in the repo. But I still cannot see the icons when I run any script. Please find below screenshot. I tried changing the 'icon-font' to a different nerd font, but the issue is still there.


Any help is appreciated.


Icons not showing

I wish I could provide more input, but gist is that text for the menu does not appear. If I change the rofi command to not use a theme, the text shows up

broken icon size


using version 1.5.4 of rofi on a 1920x1080 laptop with bspwm with debian buster.

This is happening with every feature.

Missing app launcher theme

First of all, thanks for compiling such great themes its awesome.

In readme there is a app launcher theme named simple dark which is missing i guess? can you add it? i would like to use that theme.

How to make blur work?

I have the latest rofi 1.6.1 installed. Compton is also installed.

Trying to use the app launcher, with the blur theme in misc, the window background does not get blurred. Is blur supposed to work on its own or do I need to configure Compton?

Icons rendering incorrectly

I am on Ubuntu with bspwm, on latest apt version, and just built. On the docker, among with every other one, the icons are rendering like this.
#25 is already closed but I am having the same issue.

Doesn't change style or color

I've used rofi for approx 6-7 years and thought I should try this one. The problem is no matter which style or color I choose I get the "normal" white rofi - I can chanhe theme using rofi-theme-selector tho. I have followed the instructions and I'm trying to get the text style 2 with nightly color - but not matter what I do I get the "default" rofi - the white one. Any solutions or hints? I have the old rofi/folder - should I rm -r it? does that even matter?

Thx in advance

added a pic of powerment

New features in rofi to improve themeing.

Let me start with thanking you again for these impressive themes.

In git I (and others) tried to add some options that should make it easier to make incredable themes like these.

Mouse cursor

You can now set the mouse cursor on buttons/textbox:

element,element-text,element-icon, button { 
    cursor: pointer;                
entry {                             
    cursor: text;                   

Widget Background image

You can set background image (and scale in width,height or both).
Or you can set gradients.

window {
    background-image: url("/tmp/i3.png", both);
element {
    children: [element-icon, element-text];
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, black/20%, white/20%, black/10%);

Icon/Button action

You can make clickable buttons/icons in the UI.
For example to make an icon that pastes text in the entry box:

icon-paste {
    expand: false;
    filename: "gtk-paste";
    size: 24;
    vertical-align: 0.5;
    action: "kb-primary-paste";

User timeout

If you want to auto-close the UI, this is now possible too:

configuration {
  timeout {
      delay:  15;
      action: "kb-cancel";

Both delay and action need to be set.
Action can be any of the keybindings as shown in rofi -show keys.

(-timeout-delay 15 -timeout-action "kb-cancel" on commandline.).

Please let me know if there are other additions to the theme engine I can make that helps building themes.
I don't want to implement a full CSS set as that is to much work, but there might be things that I can easily implement.



icons and title on the same line

Hello !

I'm trying to add a OSX launchpad like app to my configuration.

I'm running Xmonad on manjaro. And i was quite interested in your launchpad theme for rofi.

as shown here: (

Though i'm running in some issue. I configured "" to use the "launchpad.rasi" configuration.
Unfortunnately the results isn't fully as expected:

Every icon is displayed next to the text and not below the text as shown in your exemple. How can i achieve that ?
Would there be a way of achieving this ?

On top of that, do you have an idea how i could achieve to swipe the launchpad a bit like in OSX ?

Thank you a lot for your work. This is amazing !

Light backlight backend support

I would recommend to add light to list of supported backlight control backends.
I already tried it with tint2 backlight control executor, driven by scroll events. Light creates very tiny load even with touchpad scroll, while xbacklight's usage is huge. Non-acpi xbacklight was also C program, but it stoped to work since some Xorg version.

Nord Colorscheme

I understand that you do not want PRs for color schemes, but I've also noticed there is no Nord color scheme. Seeing as Nord is a very popular color palette, would this be something you consider adding? The official Nord Theme website can be found here.

Use Hidden Search Terms via rofi's Meta option

First of all, thanks for the great scripts.

A downside of using icons for the selection options, that you have to use the arrow keys to select an option.
The rofi version on github already features hidden search terms (see: davatorium/rofi#1052). They are added by sending some more information behind a null byte to rofi's stdin.

It would be great if one could include hidden search terms to improve selectability of options.

For example, typing "poweroff" (or some fuzzy search part of it) should select the poweroff button in the power menu.

If you like the idea, I can start working on it and make a pull request.

Cannot change icon background and textbox color

Thanks for creating these amazing configs. I am currently trying to use the launcher (row_center). Whatever I do, I cannot change the background colour of the icon and it's text box. This issue persists in other configs too.

OS: Ubuntu
Rofi: Version: 1.6.1-139-g87c60e75-dirty (build from source)


 * Author  : Aditya Shakya
 * Mail    : [email protected]
 * Github  : @adi1090x
 * Twitter : @adi1090x

configuration {
	font:							"Noto Sans 10";
    show-icons:                     true;
	icon-theme: 					"Papirus";
    display-drun: 					"";
    drun-display-format:            "{name}";
    disable-history:                false;
    fullscreen:                     false;
	hide-scrollbar: 				true;
	sidebar-mode: 					true;

/* -- My Config --  0a0a0aff = Black, EDEDEDFF = white, ff562bFF = orange */

* {
    background:                     #0a0a0aff;
    background-alt:              	#00000000;
    background-bar:                 #0a0a0aFF;
    foreground:                     #EDEDEDFF;
    accent:			            	#0a0a0a4d;
    border:		               		#ff562bFF;
    selected:               		#151515ff;
window {
    transparency:                   "real";
    background-color:               @background;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
	border:							0px;
	border-color:					@border;
    border-radius:                  0px;
	width:						    100%;
    location:                       center;
    x-offset:                       0;
    y-offset:                       0;

prompt {
    enabled: 						true;
	padding: 						0.25% 0.75% 0% -0.25%;
	background-color: 				@background-alt;
	text-color: 					@foreground;
	font:							"FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font 12";

entry {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    placeholder-color:              @background;
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0;
    placeholder:                    "Search Applications";
    padding:                        -0.10% 0% 0% 0%;
    blink:                          true;

inputbar {
	children: 						[ prompt, entry ];
    background-color:               @background-bar;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    expand:                         false;
	border:							0% 0% 0% 0.3%;
    border-radius:                  0% 100% 100% 0%;
	border-color:					@border;
    margin:                         0% 73.75% 0% 0%;
    padding:                        1.25%;

listview {
    background-color:               @background;
    columns:                        12;
    lines:	                        2;
    spacing:                        0%;
    cycle:                          false;
    dynamic:                        true;
    layout:                         vertical;

mainbox {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
	border:							0% 0% 0% 0%;
    border-radius:                  0% 0% 0% 0%;
	border-color:					@accent;
    children:                       [ inputbar, listview ];
    spacing:                       	1.5%;
    padding:                        2% 1% 2% 1%;

element {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    orientation:                    horizontal;
    border-radius:                  0%;
    padding:                        2.5% 0% 2.5% 0%;

element-icon {
    size:                           80px;
    border:                         0px;

element-text {
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0.5;
    vertical-align:                 0.5;
    margin:                         0.5% 0.5% -0.5% 0.5%;

element selected {
    background-color:               @selected;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
	border:							0% 0% 0% 0.3%;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    border-color:                  	@border;

If you(or anyone) find some time to have a look at this issue, I would be grateful.

Insync applet

One of two applets that are missing for my use case (moving from macOS to Linux) is a Insync sync status applet. Would be great to be able to quickly check that all my files are backed up.

Themes not working

I installed this in Regolith Linux using the instructions in but I can't have the themes you've sampled in


is it possible to adapt this awesome themes to newer (and bigger) resolutions?

Thank's for the amazing work

Fonts not rendering


First of all, thank you for your amazing work with this and other tools!

I've been trying to use the mpd, time and other applets but I haven't been able to make the, work due to fonts not rendering. For example, this is how opens for me:

time applet

Both Comfortaa and Hurmit Nerd Font are installed (I'm using the AUR packages but the problem still exists when installing then to ~/.local/share/fonts) and I'm running rofi-git, which is already at 1.5.4. Here you can see I can run the dock with no problems at all:


I'm at a complete loss here. Is there anything I'm missing? I've checked that the dependencies are all installed and I don't see where the problem is :(

`uptime -p` is not standard


First of all, thank you for your repositories, they are awesome!

I noticed you use uptime -p in you powermenu. However, the -p option does not seems really wide-spread and generate the following error on my OS: uptime: invalid option -- 'p'.

Looking at the man page, the -p option isn't mentioned. Do you use a specific version of uptime?

Otherwise, would you be ready to consider a more standard way to display this information?

getting chmod no directory found error with aur package

ran makepkg -si and getting following message

==> Making package: rofi-applets-menus 6e84e05-1 (Monday 07 December 2020 10:07:48 PM)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Cloning rofi git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/home/rajat/Desktop/rofi-applets-menus/rofi'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 927, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (927/927), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (382/382), done.
remote: Total 927 (delta 562), reused 817 (delta 474), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (927/927), 24.14 MiB | 1.79 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (562/562), done.
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    rofi ... Skipped
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of rofi git repo...
Cloning into 'rofi'...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
chmod: cannot access 'scripts/*': No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().

Please help

I don't have an issue. I just want to say, you rock.

I have been wanting to kill using a panel for a long time. Rofi is not how I expected I could do it. You have done a great job on the applets and add ons. When I installed the applets, I didn't have the right file manager or the right this or the right that, but your code is clean, and it was easy to add my own. Keep this up man, I am plugging this github to every linux group I am involved in. You are doing something that is pretty cool. Thank you :).

How to use if default theme or custom changes affect it?

I couldn't find where I had settings that breaks with this.

As it seems this overwrote my settings.
When I try to run rofi I only get.

The configuration failed to validate:
pango failed to parse font 'JetBrainsMono Nerd,,
And it ends with please update your configurations.

Any idea which places to look if there are conflicts?

Screen recorder?

Can you please make/ help me make a screen recorder menu? I have tried almost everything and cant figure it out. Thank you very much for these awesome scripts!

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