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pokemongen1glitchiestfasthack's Introduction

(Most of this was written by others and not only Aaron Mazie)



1. Give yourself any name, but make sure your rival’s name is “RRRG--”
2. Giving yourself the name “xyvw” should have you encounter all possible MissingNo glitch forms.
3. Collect Potion from PC because you must beat your rival
4. Choose Bulbasaur as your starter
5. Complete Parcel event (Viridian Market) and beat your rival
6. Heading back to Viridian City, battle one of the following options to get to level 7:
   1. One Lv. 4 Rattata
   2. Two Lv. 2/3 Pidgey/Rattata
7. Collect hidden Potion in Viridian (optional)
8. Avoid all trainers in Forest, collect hidden Potion in front of last trainer, and battle one mandatory Weedle trainer and get to level 8.
9. Put your moves in this order, as well as have this many PP per move. Battling Metapod/Kakuna is probably the best option. Make sure to get to level 8 and no higher:
   1. Leech Seed - any/10
   2. Tackle - 16/35 *wait until step 10
   3. Growl - 36/40
10. Purchase items so you have a total of 6 unique items, one of which are pokeballs
11. Catch a Pokemon like a Metapod or something and for fun name it Arceus
12. Brock Through Walls / Skywalk
   1. Save before you reach the guy up to the right at the edge of the city who is supposed to take you to the gym so your cursor is on the save because the menu will lock up.
   2. Walk past him and let him talk until you can hit Start and save.
   3. Let him finish and restart when you start walking automatically without him.
   4. When back in the game, get through his text and hold right until you start walking right out of his view a bit.
   5. Switch Bulbasaur and Arceus in your Pokemon lineup.
   6. Walk back to the guy and talk to him on his right.
   7. When he walks away, hold right and you’ll be able to Brock through walls / walk-fly (don't go too far out of bounds or game wil corrupt and you'll have to restart)
   8. Make sure to walk right on first ledge
   9. Head south on the bottom-left tile grass patch to the left of bike shop
   10. Go into Saffron Pokemon Center and heal
13. Head to Celadon City (hold left when talking to the guard and you can skip past him)
14. Go into underground tunnel. Walk up 3 steps and walk over 9 to pick up hidden nugget. Go to Celadon Market to sell it for $5000.
15. Collect Coin Case from the guy in the corner in the diner (make sure Escape Rope is in slot 6)
16. Collect coins in Game Corner and purchase Abra
17. Teleport to Saffron City and deposit Bulbasaur and Arceus into the PC
18. Head south to Route 6 and trainer fly (walk into trainer’s view but pause and fly/teleport with Abra before the game notices you)
19. Battle first Karate Guy in the Saffron Dojo.. make him walk to you, though, or the screen will freeze up.
20. Head back south to Route 6 to encounter MissingNo and run away
21. Toss 2 Escape Ropes beforehand to make your count 127 (If you only had 1 it will be at 129 a.k.a. ▓9.)
22. Repeat steps 17-19
23. Encounter second Missingno and run away to get Escape Ropes to 255 (255 is stand-in for CANCEL in game's memory drive)
24. Head into guard house and toss the following items:
   1. Pokeballs
   2. Parlyz Heal
   3. Potion
   4. Antidote
   5. Burn Heal
   6. (Block)2 Escape Rope (Should give you 3 Escape Rope)
25. Merge the 3 Escape Ropes with the ones right below it with select



JohnStone's advice:
26. Swap the second slot of Escape Ropes with Master Ball. Toss x1 seaJ two slots above the Escape Ropes (enables instant text). Swap TM 27 with Master Ball x17.
27. If the item below the Escape Ropes you moved has jumbled text, swap it with Ultra Ball x0 and press b to see your character
28. Head up to Cerulean Cave. Swap Moon Stone with top Boulder Badge. Toss 4 Moon Stones. Swap second Boulder Badge up with Escape Rope. Walk left to encounter Mewtwo. Use Master Ball between the two Escape Ropes.
29. Open your menu and toss the top stack of items 7 times. Swap top Escape Rope with first CANCEL. Swap j x0 down with the Earth Badge. Swap Pokedex that’s directly above down to the Full Restore x20. Scroll down to 3F (right before “4848”) and swap with HM04, then toss 19 of 3F. Scroll up past the cancel button, close the menu and walk left once.
30. Swap Mewtwo with Abra. Walk one tile down, then two tiles to the left. Swap TM37 up with Max Potion x1. Walk one tile left, and then one tile down (if playing Red, just go down). Teach TM36 to Mewtwo over Barrier or Recover. Move one tile to the right (don’t do this in Red version). Swap TM37/36 with Master Ball, then swap the same item with HM04, and then one more time down with the Max Potion x1. Battle Giovanni.
31. Battle Giovanni: Psychic Rhyhorn, Swift Dugtrio, Psychic everything else. If you gen 1 miss, use the ether in your bag to restore Psychic.
32. Open bag. Scroll down and swap Master Ball with HM04, then toss (box9) Master Balls (should have 8 now). Swap HM04 with Max Potion. Walk out the door to Cinnabar Island.
33. Stand one tile to the left of the gym, facing to the right/down.  Swap 44yPC up with “money slot”. This is above Escape Rope, which is then above CANCEL. Use CANCEL (press A twice), close out menu. Walk one tile up, and then one tile to the right to enter the gym.
34. Walk one tile to the left and open your bag. Scroll down to Ultra Ball x0 and swap down with Parlyz Heal x1. Swap Master Ball x8 with HM04. Toss 5 Master Balls, then immediately spam B and hold right. Talk to Blaine to Battle.
35. Battle Blaine: Swift Growlithe and Ponyta, Psychic Rapidash. If Ponyta growled you, use Swift on Arcanine, and then use Self-Destruct. If not, just SD.
36. Walk 3 tiles to the right, swap first Escape Rope slot down with “?????”. Use Escape Rope. Walk 3 tiles to your left, use bike to get to Sabrina’s Gym. Stand to the left of the guard, open your menu and scroll up to CANCEL. Use it and then scroll up twice and use one rare candy to revive mewtwo. Back out of menus and walk one right, then one up into the gym.
37. Stand two tiles above the gym statue, use CANCEL again, scroll down to Master Ball x10 and toss 3 of them. Walk up and reset screen to fight Sabrina. Swift all Pokemon, but Psychic Venomoth. Use CANCEL and walk out of the gym to enter Fuchsia City.
38. Enter gym and use CANCEL to walk directly to Koga. Psychic everything.
39. Go into the house to the right of the gym and stand on the right tile of the entrance. Scroll down to Super Potion x22, toss to get x5. Swap Cancel x4 down with Master Ball x7. Walk down to Erika’s Gym.
40. Hug the wall until you reach the top left of the gym, toss all but 5 of j. Block4. Scroll down to j. block5 and toss the full stack. Walk over to the tile above Erika and flash screen. Battle Erika. Swift everything.
41. Walk right and exit the gym to enter Vermillion City. Walk to the corner of the dock, and use ????? to Surf and enter the gym. Stand in front of gym guide and use CANCEL. Scroll down and swap X attack xblock8 and swap down for Earthbadge. Scroll down to j. X5, toss 2, and walk straight up until you bonk. Talk to Surge. Swift everything.
42. Use CANCEL and walk out the door to Cerulean City. Walk into the gym and use ????? to surf to Misty. Swift everything.
43. Walk into the Pokemon Center. Open menu and scroll down to Master Ball x3 and toss one. Walk through the door to get to Pewter City (should be next to HM04, Great Ball, and Potion).
44. Stand in front of Brock and swap the item you tossed up with the X Attack. Close the menu and talk to Brock. Swift everything.
45. Walk one tile to the left, use CANCEL. Walk down until you’re past the rocks, flash menu, walk in front of the statue, and walk straight down into the Hall of Fame.

Aaron Mazie's advice:
26. Select TM27 X▓7 to swap with Master Ball x17. Toss 109 of those TM27s. Exit the building back north and be in the Hall of Fame. CONGRATULATIONS.
46/27. After game won, fly to Viridian, talk to old man to show you how to catch Pokemon, fly to Cinnabar and surf only along the eastern shoreline to encounter MissingNo versions with Master Balls in 6th slot to get 128 Master Balls to catch any Pokemon you encounter. Do the same with Rare Candies to level up any Pokemon to 100.

(If you get stuck scrolling in item underflow, hit B while continuing to scroll)

items 1-20 + quantity = normal stuff
item 21 = end of list

quantity = first money byte
item 22 = second money byte
quantity = third money byte
item 23-27 + quantity = rival name
item 28 = rival name
item 28 quantity = options
item 29 = badges (written in binary)
item 29 quantity = ???
item 30 = ???
item 30 quantity = First part of tid
item 31 = second part of tid
item 31 quantity = ???
item 32 = ??? (usually ultra ball/brightness)
item 32 quantity = brightness/palletes
item 33 = map id
item 33 quantity = first part of top left block pointer
item 34 = second part of top left block pointer
item 34 quantity = y coord
item 35 = x coord
item 36 quantity = block y coord (USED FOR WARPING TO DIFFERENT MAP INDEXES) (REF POINT: Master Ball x17 at step 26)
item 37 = "panic button" change value to 0 to teleport from inside a building and 3 to dig inside a building
item 37 = block x coord
item 37 quantity = last outside map visited (warping)
item 38 = ??? (appears to be based on last map)
item 38 quantity = map tileset, controls fly/dig/teleport (Executed upon entry)
item 39 = map height
item 39 quantity = map width
item 40 = text pointer (tp) item
item 40 = first part of map pointer (executed upon entry)
item 40 quantity = second part of map pointer
item 41 = first part of text pointer (executed upon talking to someone)
item 41 quantity = second part of text pointer
item 42 = first part of map script pointer (executed upon closing menu)
item 42 quantity = second part of map script pointer

item 43 = map connections
item 43 quantity = north connection data ("walking" warp for north)
item 44-48 + quantity = ??? (based off of north connection data)
item 49 = south connection data
item 49 quantity to item 54= ??? (based off south connection data)
item 54 quantity = west connection data
item 55 to item 59 quantity = ??? (etc)
item 60 = east connection data
item 60 quantity to item 64 = ??? (etc)
item 64 quantity to item 69 quantity = sprites on the map
item 70 = sprite set id
item 70 quantity = ???
item 71 = ???
item 71 quantity = ???
item 72 = ???
item 72 quantity = ???
item 73 quantity = number of warps


# 	Hex 	Location 	Bank[1]
000 	0x00 	Pallet Town 	6
001 	0x01 	Viridian City 	6
002 	0x02 	Pewter City 	6
003 	0x03 	Cerulean City 	6
004 	0x04 	Lavender Town 	11
005 	0x05 	Vermilion City 	6
006 	0x06 	Celadon City 	6
007 	0x07 	Fuchsia City 	6
008 	0x08 	Cinnabar Island 	7
009 	0x09 	Pokémon League 	14
010 	0x0A 	Saffron City 	14
011 	0x0B 	Unused Fly location 	 ?
012 	0x0C 	Route 1 	7
013 	0x0D 	Route 2 	15
014 	0x0E 	Route 3 	15
015 	0x0F 	Route 4 	15
016 	0x10 	Route 5 	15
017 	0x11 	Route 6 	16
018 	0x12 	Route 7 	12
019 	0x13 	Route 8 	16
020 	0x14 	Route 9 	15
021 	0x15 	Route 10 	16
022 	0x16 	Route 11 	16
023 	0x17 	Route 12 	16
024 	0x18 	Route 13 	15
025 	0x19 	Route 14 	15
026 	0x1A 	Route 15 	16
027 	0x1B 	Route 16 	16
028 	0x1C 	Route 17 	15
029 	0x1D 	Route 18 	16
030 	0x1E 	Sea Route 19 	15
031 	0x1F 	Sea Route 20 	14
032 	0x20 	Sea Route 21 	15
033 	0x21 	Route 22 	14
034 	0x22 	Route 23 	14
035 	0x23 	Route 24 	14
036 	0x24 	Route 25 	14
037 	0x25 	Red's house (first floor) 	12
038 	0x26 	Red's house (second floor) 	17
039 	0x27 	Blue's house 	6
040 	0x28 	Professor Oak's Lab 	7
041 	0x29 	Pokémon Center (Viridian City) 	11
042 	0x2A 	Poké Mart (Viridian City) 	7
043 	0x2B 	School (Viridian City) 	7
044 	0x2C 	House 1 (Viridian City) 	7
045 	0x2D 	Pokémon Gym (Viridian City) 	1D
046 	0x2E 	Diglett's Cave (Route 2 entrance) 	7
047 	0x2F 	Gate (Viridian City/Pewter City) (Route 2) 	17
048 	0x30 	Oak's Aide House 1 (Route 2) 	7
049 	0x31 	Gate (Route 2) 	17
050 	0x32 	Gate (Route 2/Viridian Forest) (Route 2) 	17
051 	0x33 	Viridian Forest 	18
052 	0x34 	Pewter Museum (floor 1) 	17
053 	0x35 	Pewter Museum (floor 2) 	17
054 	0x36 	Pokémon Gym (Pewter City) 	17
055 	0x37 	House with disobedient Nidoran♂ (Pewter City) 	7
056 	0x38 	Poké Mart (Pewter City) 	1D
057 	0x39 	House with two Trainers (Pewter City) 	7
058 	0x3A 	Pokémon Center (Pewter City) 	17
059 	0x3B 	Mt. Moon (Route 3 entrance) 	12
060 	0x3C 	Mt. Moon 	14
061 	0x3D 	Mt. Moon 	12
062 	0x3E 	Invaded house (Cerulean City) 	7
063 	0x3F 	Poliwhirl for Jynx trade house (Red/Blue)
Bulbasaur adoption house (Pokémon Yellow) 	7
064 	0x40 	Pokémon Center (Cerulean City) 	17
065 	0x41 	Pokémon Gym (Cerulean City) 	17
066 	0x42 	Bike Shop (Cerulean City) 	7
067 	0x43 	Poké Mart (Cerulean City) 	17
068 	0x44 	Pokémon Center (Route 4) 	12
069 	0x45 	Invaded house - alternative music (Cerulean City) 	7
070 	0x46 	Saffron City Gate (Route 5) 	7
071 	0x47 	Entrance to Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5-6) (Route 5) 	17
072 	0x48 	Daycare Center (Route 5) 	15
073 	0x49 	Saffron City Gate (Route 6) 	7
074 	0x4A 	Entrance to Underground Path (Route 6) 	17
075 	0x4B 	Entrance to Underground Path 2 (Route 6) 	17
076 	0x4C 	Saffron City Gate (Route 7) 	7
077 	0x4D 	Entrance to Underground Path (Route 7) 	17
078 	0x4E 	Entrance to Underground Path 2 (Route 7) 	17
079 	0x4F 	Saffron City Gate (Route 8) 	7
080 	0x50 	Entrance to Underground Path (Route 8) 	7
081 	0x51 	Pokémon Center (Rock Tunnel) 	12
082 	0x52 	Rock Tunnel 	11
083 	0x53 	Power Plant 	7
084 	0x54 	Gate 1F (Route 11-Route 12) 	12
085 	0x55 	Diglett's Cave (Vermilion City entrance) 	7
086 	0x56 	Gate 2F (Route 11-Route 12) 	12
087 	0x57 	Gate (Route 12-Route 13) 	12
088 	0x58 	Sea Cottage 	7
089 	0x59 	Pokémon Center (Vermilion City) 	17
090 	0x5A 	Pokémon Fan Club (Vermilion City) 	16
091 	0x5B 	Poké Mart (Vermilion City) 	17
092 	0x5C 	Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City) 	17
093 	0x5D 	House with Pidgey (Vermilion City) 	7
094 	0x5E 	Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City) 	7
095 	0x5F 	S.S. Anne 1F 	18
096 	0x60 	S.S. Anne 2F 	18
097 	0x61 	S.S. Anne 3F 	11
098 	0x62 	S.S. Anne B1F 	18
099 	0x63 	S.S. Anne (Deck) 	18
100 	0x64 	S.S. Anne (Kitchen) 	18
101 	0x65 	S.S. Anne (Captain's room) 	18
102 	0x66 	S.S. Anne 1F (Gentleman's room) 	18
103 	0x67 	S.S. Anne 2F (Gentleman's room) 	18
104 	0x68 	S.S. Anne B1F (Sailor/Fisherman's room) 	18
105 	0x69 	Unused (Victory Road) 	 ?
106 	0x6A 	Unused (Victory Road) 	 ?
107 	0x6B 	Unused (Victory Road) 	 ?
108 	0x6C 	Victory Road (Route 23 entrance) 	17
109 	0x6D 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
110 	0x6E 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
111 	0x6F 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
112 	0x70 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
113 	0x71 	Lance's Elite Four room 	16
114 	0x72 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
115 	0x73 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
116 	0x74 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
117 	0x75 	Unused (Pokémon League) 	 ?
118 	0x76 	Hall of Fame 	16
119 	0x77 	Underground Path (Route 5-Route 6) 	18
120 	0x78 	Blue's room 	1D
121 	0x79 	Underground Path (Route 7-Route 8) 	18
122 	0x7A 	Celadon Department Store 1F 	18 (RB)
11 (Y)
123 	0x7B 	Celadon Department Store 2F 	15
124 	0x7C 	Celadon Department Store 3F 	12
125 	0x7D 	Celadon Department Store 4F 	12
126 	0x7E 	Celadon Department Store Rooftop Square 	12
127 	0x7F 	Celadon Department Store Lift 	12
128 	0x80 	Celadon Mansion 1F 	12
129 	0x81 	Celadon Mansion 2F 	12
130 	0x82 	Celadon Mansion 3F 	12
131 	0x83 	Celadon Mansion 4F 	12
132 	0x84 	Celadon Mansion 4F (Eevee building) 	7
133 	0x85 	Pokémon Center (Celadon City) 	12
134 	0x86 	Pokémon Gym (Celadon City) 	12
135 	0x87 	Rocket Game Corner (Celadon City) 	12
136 	0x88 	Celadon Department Store 5F 	12
137 	0x89 	Prize corner (Celadon City) 	12
138 	0x8A 	Restaurant (Celadon City) 	12
139 	0x8B 	House with Team Rocket members (Celadon City) 	12
140 	0x8C 	Hotel (Celadon City) 	12
141 	0x8D 	Pokémon Center (Lavender Town) 	17
142 	0x8E 	Pokémon Tower F1 	18
143 	0x8F 	Pokémon Tower F2 	18
144 	0x90 	Pokémon Tower F3 	18
145 	0x91 	Pokémon Tower F4 	18
146 	0x92 	Pokémon Tower F5 	18
147 	0x93 	Pokémon Tower F6 	18
148 	0x94 	Pokémon Tower F7 	18
149 	0x95 	Mr. Fuji's house (Lavender Town) 	7
150 	0x96 	Poké Mart (Lavender Town) 	17
151 	0x97 	House with NPC discussing Cubone's mother 	7
152 	0x98 	Poké Mart (Fuchsia City) 	7
153 	0x99 	House with NPCs discussing Bill (Fuchsia City) 	1D
154 	0x9A 	Pokémon Center (Fuchsia City) 	1D
155 	0x9B 	Warden's house (Fuchsia City) 	1D
156 	0x9C 	Safari Zone gate (Fuchsia City) 	1D
157 	0x9D 	Pokémon Gym (Fuchsia City) 	1D
158 	0x9E 	House with NPCs discussing Baoba (Fuchsia City) 	1D
159 	0x9F 	Seafoam Islands 	11
160 	0xA0 	Seafoam Islands 	11
161 	0xA1 	Seafoam Islands 	11
162 	0xA2 	Seafoam Islands 	11
163 	0xA3 	Vermilion City Fishing Brother 	15
164 	0xA4 	Fuchsia City Fishing Brother 	15
165 	0xA5 	Pokémon Mansion (1F) 	11
166 	0xA6 	Pokémon Gym (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
167 	0xA7 	Pokémon Lab (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
168 	0xA8 	Pokémon Lab - Trade room (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
169 	0xA9 	Pokémon Lab - Room with scientists (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
170 	0xAA 	Pokémon Lab - Fossil resurrection room (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
171 	0xAB 	Pokémon Center (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
172 	0xAC 	Poké Mart (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
173 	0xAD 	Poké Mart - alternative music (Cinnabar Island) 	1D
174 	0xAE 	Pokémon Center (Indigo Plateau) 	6
175 	0xAF 	Copycat's house 1F (Saffron City) 	1D
176 	0xB0 	Copycat's house 2F (Saffron City) 	17
177 	0xB1 	Fighting Dojo (Saffron City) 	17
178 	0xB2 	Pokémon Gym (Saffron City) 	17
179 	0xB3 	House with Pidgey (Saffron City) 	7
180 	0xB4 	Poké Mart (Saffron City) 	17
181 	0xB5 	Silph Co. 1F 	17
182 	0xB6 	Pokémon Center (Saffron City) 	17
183 	0xB7 	Mr. Psychic's house (Saffron City) 	7
184 	0xB8 	Gate 1F (Route 15) 	12
185 	0xB9 	Gate 2F (Route 15) 	12
186 	0xBA 	Gate 1F (Cycling Road (Route 16) 	12
187 	0xBB 	Gate 2F (Cycling Road (Route 16) 	12
188 	0xBC 	Secret house (Cycling Road) (Route 16) 	7
189 	0xBD 	Route 12 Fishing Brother 	15
190 	0xBE 	Gate 1F (Route 18) 	12
191 	0xBF 	Gate 2F (Route 18) 	12
192 	0xC0 	Seafoam Islands 	11
193 	0xC1 	Badges check gate (Route 22) 	7
194 	0xC2 	Victory Road 	14
195 	0xC3 	Gate 2F (Route 12) 	12
196 	0xC4 	House with NPC and HM moves advice Vermilion City 	6
197 	0xC5 	Diglett's Cave 	18
198 	0xC6 	Victory Road 	11
199 	0xC7 	Team Rocket Hideout (B1F) 	11
200 	0xC8 	Team Rocket Hideout (B2F) 	11
201 	0xC9 	Team Rocket Hideout (B3F) 	11
202 	0xCA 	Team Rocket Hideout (B4F) 	11
203 	0xCB 	Team Rocket Hideout (Lift) 	11
204 	0xCC 	Unused (Team Rocket Hideout) 	 ?
205 	0xCD 	Unused (Team Rocket Hideout) 	 ?
206 	0xCE 	Unused (Team Rocket Hideout) 	 ?
207 	0xCF 	Silph Co. (2F) 	16
208 	0xD0 	Silph Co. (3F) 	16
209 	0xD1 	Silph Co. (4F) 	6
210 	0xD2 	Silph Co. (5F) 	6
211 	0xD3 	Silph Co. (6F) 	6
212 	0xD4 	Silph Co. (7F) 	14
213 	0xD5 	Silph Co. (8F) 	15
214 	0xD6 	Pokémon Mansion (2F) 	14
215 	0xD7 	Pokémon Mansion (3F) 	14
216 	0xD8 	Pokémon Mansion (B1F) 	14
217 	0xD9 	Safari Zone (Area 1) 	11
218 	0xDA 	Safari Zone (Area 2) 	11
219 	0xDB 	Safari Zone (Area 3) 	12
220 	0xDC 	Safari Zone (Entrance) 	11
221 	0xDD 	Safari Zone (Rest house 1) 	11
222 	0xDE 	Safari Zone (Prize house) 	12
223 	0xDF 	Safari Zone (Rest house 2) 	11
224 	0xE0 	Safari Zone (Rest house 3) 	11
225 	0xE1 	Safari Zone (Rest house 4) 	11
226 	0xE2 	Unknown Dungeon 	11
227 	0xE3 	Unknown Dungeon 1F 	11
228 	0xE4 	Unknown Dungeon B1F 	1D
229 	0xE5 	Name Rater's house (Lavender Town) 	7
230 	0xE6 	Cerulean City (Gym Badge man) 	1D
231 	0xE7 	Unused (Rock Tunnel) 	 ?
232 	0xE8 	Rock Tunnel 	11
233 	0xE9 	Silph Co. 9F 	17
234 	0xEA 	Silph Co. 10F 	16
235 	0xEB 	Silph Co. 11F 	18
236 	0xEC 	Silph Co. Lift 	11
237 	0xED 	(Invalid) 	 ?
238 	0xEE 	(Invalid) 	 ?
239 	0xEF 	Cable Club Trade Center(*) 	13
240 	0xF0 	Cable Club Colosseum(*) 	13
241 	0xF1 	(Invalid) 	 ?
242 	0xF2 	(Invalid) 	 ?
243 	0xF3 	(Invalid) 	 ?
244 	0xF4 	(Invalid) 	 ?
245 	0xF5 	Lorelei's room 	1D
246 	0xF6 	Bruno's room 	1D
247 	0xF7 	Agatha's room 	1D
248 	0xF8 	Summer Beach House (Pokémon Yellow) 	3C (Y)
249 	0xF9 	(Invalid) 	 ?
250 	0xFA 	(Invalid) 	 ?
251 	0xFB 	(Invalid) 	 ?
252 	0xFC 	(Invalid) 	 ?
253 	0xFD 	(Invalid) 	 ?
254 	0xFE 	(Invalid) 	 ?
255 	0xFF 	 ? 

In catching all available Pokemon in your version of the game (Red and Blue have different possibilities), using this bit map,
you will have difficulty with the Safari Zone, as it does not allow you to throw Master Balls.
Instead, buy the Safari Balls and walk into the Safari Zone and immediately exit, telling the guard you would like
to leave early. Then, warp to Cinnabar Island and surf along the eastern shoreline as if you were looking for MissingNos
and you'll encounter all the Safari Zone Pokemon and able to throw Master Balls that way.

pokemongen1glitchiestfasthack's People


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